The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I have been living in Wellesley Hill, Massachusetts since 1970, along with my wife, Doris, a retired anesthetist originally from N. Ireland. We have 3 daughters, all married who live in diverse location including Northampton, MA, Burlington, VT, and Tianjin, P. R. China. My current interests include gardening & tennis in summer, and auditing courses at Wellesley College. In my free time, I've created 2 Web pages and would welcome anyone interested to visit Still a bit of an amateur in this computer technology thing but try my best to keep up with the latest iMac innovations. Always regretted that I lost contact with a fellow classmate at Penn State, named Charles Stonage but remember him still. Hope to visit Penn State in early June 2009 to attend Class Reunion festivities. Would welcome comments from anyone in my class year (1946) and their thoughts.